Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Deep Burning Questions

I have all sorts of questions for you. Some are about blogging and some aren't. Here goes.
1. Why do people follow a blog and then stop after a while?

2. What do you do when a blog you are following doesn't update for months and doesn't say why? It is like they fall off the face of the earth.

3. How come some blogs have 1,000 of followers and get 100's of comments?

4. Is it okay to let God completely take over your life or should you help out where you can? Like , do your part?

5. Do you think it is bad to do the pledge in a public school? I do it everyday with my 1st graders. (some people think so but I don't)

6. Is there a good web site that I can go to to find ideas on how to decorate a sewing room/office?

7. When it comes to having a baby, "nobody" cares how old you are etc. but when you go to adopt one "they" care about all kinds of things?

8. How do you get excited about exercising?

9. Are there any good uplifting blogs out there that I can follow?

10. What are your plans for the Labor Day Weekend?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Happiness Project At Leigh Vs Laundry-Getting Rid Of Bad TV

I made a decision to get rid of some bad TV in my life. I wasn't feeling too good inside and every time I would hear something at church or from other places, the little voice in my head told me to stop watching Baggage on GSN. Finally I took heed and stopped watching it. Boy do I feel better. So as a result:
I am no longer a newlywed.
I am no longer in a love triangle.
And I have no more baggage.

My soul sure feels a lot lighter since getting rid of these things.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

It Is Okay To Be Happy--Right?

Do any of you suffer from the Charlie Brown Syndrome? Sometimes I feel like I do. Why is it that we do this to ourselves? Can't we be happy inside even if stuff happens. Is it okay to be happy when bad things are going on?

I think we do this to ourselves because we are human and maybe lack faith. Or it could be ole what' his no-face(satan) that helps it along. Yes, it is okay to be happy regardless of what is going on. I think it will help make the tough times easier to get through if we are happy inside.

Due to things at work I haven't felt happy for a while. But somethings have changed at work and now I feel renewed and much happier. I love the feeling. I just get like Charlie Brown sometimes and loose my nerve to be happy. Or could it be that I don't know what to do with it?

You know what? I am going to feel this way because it beats the other way and now I know how strong I am because I got through 7 years of having a bad boss.

So, watch out world, I'm coming! Don't worry, be happy.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Survived! (and so can you)

Tuesday, August 23 was the first day of school. (I teach) I have had about 25 first days of school so far, but none-the-less, I was a bit nervous this year. See, I had been teaching 2nd grade for so long, I forgot how to do other grades. I made a decision earlier this year to move to 1st grade.
Well, FDR was right. I had nothing to fear but fear it self. I persevered and went to my class with confidence. It was a wonderful day. The kids were great and I felt so happy and calm and I felt like I was enjoying my job for the first time in a long time.

Sometimes we are prompted to make scary changes and sometimes we have to. I am glad I was able to follow my feelings and change grades. It has made a big difference in my life.

So if you have to make a change, go for it. It will be great especially if it is the right thing to do.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happiness Is Having My Room Done

I had to spend a week getting my room together because I had to change rooms. I taught 2nd grade last year and this year I am doing first. Also, the room was a mess and it was dirty too. I had to get rid of stuff and clean. But, it looks great now.

School starts today. Wish me luck.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Where Oh Where Has My Little Karen Gone?

Well, I have been at home and going into work. My feet hurt and all my muscles are sore. I have muscles I didn't know I had.I found another lawyer joke that I forgot to put in my last post. My nephew Andrew just started law school last week.
My nephew Andrew and my niece Ashley stayed with us. I decorated the bedroom for them. It is sort of baby theme. Ashley is due in March. The bag has candy in it. Like Sugar Babies, Sugar Daddy, Baby Ruth, Almond Joy etc.
I also made some baby stuff for them. I called the baby "Baby A" because their names both start with A.
I have been trying to make this classroom look like a classroom. I am getting there. I had to change classrooms because I will be teaching 1st grade this year instead of second.
So, where have all of you been and what have you been doing? Hope you have been having a good time.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Look Out World: Andrew's Coming

Today, Monday, August 15, 2011, my nephew, Andrew, will begin law school at McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento. All the best. (I hope I am not going to need a lawyer after posting this)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happiness Project At Leigh Vs Laundry-Hard To Believe

It is hard to believe that.....
this cute brother and sister team
and this adorable little girl are going to be---


Congratulations Andrew and Ashley!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What Is Love?

Over the years men and women have asked this question over and over. Many talks given and books written on the subject. There are as many different answers as there are people. Here are a few answers that I have found.
In the 1968 movie Yours Mine and Ours, Henry Fonda explains it beautifully to his daughter as he is taking her mother to the car to go to the hospital. I love this explanation. I couldn't embed the video, but here is the link to it.
To me this picture above is what love is. Every morning Tom makes fruit smoothies for us. Sometimes he is up before me and he will put mine in the refrigerator. He went the extra mile and put a straw in it for me because he knows I love to drink them with a straw. This always touches my heart.

That is what I think love is. What do you think it is?

Friday, August 5, 2011

I Love Mary

I just love Mary. Here pictures are so cute and I love all the sayings she puts with them. Enjoy your Friday and weekend.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful that there are places and people where the answers don't change.
Undeserving Grace

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday- A New Blog Hop

I found this great blog hop over at This Kind of Love. She is really sweet and a teacher too.

I am loving that this is my 200th blog post. Can't believe it. I need to have another give-away soon.
I am loving this plaque. I bought it from Christie Cottage. It came on the day of my colonoscopy. Perfect timing.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Things

Here are a couple of happy things that happened this week.
I survived my colonoscopy. This is a picture of me before I went in. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I won this award for coming up with a caption for this picture. My winning entry was "I'm too sexy for my snake."
What good and happy things have happened to you this week?