Do you wish that the "recording" of your life had an escape button? Oh maybe just a pause or hold?

Sometimes I do. When little things happen all at once things just seem to pile up. My mind is still gone. I am not thinking too clearly lately. I am not comprehending things I hear etc. My cousin wrote me a letter and said she doesn't want to do birthdays and Christmas anymore. I said something to a co-worker about another co-worker and the first co-worker told the second co-worker. But that turned out okay because we talked.(me and the second co-worker)
I feel like I am slipping into a hole again. I do get seasonal depression and I try to stay it off but not always successfully. I would just like to go into my closet and scream for 2 minutes and come back out. I could do that when Tom is gone or is playing the trumpet. He would never know but what about the neighbors?
I just had a thought-surprise. I need to do something different. Change up my routine. Maybe that would help. What do you suggest? What do you do? Anybody have anything uplifting to share or a video from Youtube?
Sorry you're having a blue spell, Karen. I think we all get them sometimes, especially at our stage of the game!
I do find that changing things up a bit in life helps a lot. Getting out of the rut, so to speak. And even the planning of what that's going to look like seems to help!
escape button, that's a wonderful idea. if only...
I love changing my hair style or fixing something way different or surpising to the family.
This time of year is great to send anonymous treats to other families. There are soooo many sad people at holiday times this is really a good time to cheer up other people because you know just how they feel!
You're too nice to feel like this.
This could have been my post. I will join you in the closet! I have been doing a lot of soul searching these days. Hang in there. We love you. ((HUGS))
Yes, I agree, an escape button would be nice and I must admit I did kind of escape, I live part time away from the family and I like it.
Years ago a family member made a lot of the decisions about gift giving and now I look back and I wonder why we allowed it? Deep down no one should decide if I give a gift or not, right? They don't have to give a gift. This year I am giving gifts to anyone I choose, there will be no rule of thumb and I don't care. I am living only one life and I don't understand how giving a gift can be seen as wrong, I don't expect a thing back and if a person has a problem with it then it really is there problem not mine. It is a shame that we no longer can accept a gift for what it is, A GIFT. So sorry to have gone off on your blog!
When I am down I always go to and check out all the videos. I even like the ones for the youth, actually, I love those. I also love and I love listening to Kenneth Cope's version of "Come to Jesus"... sometimes I just have to surround myself with spiritual things until I can finally let it sink in and buoy me back up. :)
Sorry to hear you are feeling low. Have you ever had your vitamin D level checked? I've seen some recent studies that suggest low levels can be associated with seasonal affective disorder. Your doctor can check a level called "25-hydroxy vitamin D" in your blood.
Hope you feel better soon.
I'm having a lot of those same thoughts....probably due to so much going on...sickness, etc. I find if I can just get outdoors and walk a little...fresh air helps me so much!! HOPE you feel better soon!
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