This year has been pretty good for me even though it has been a year of change and growth. But it all has been good. I went from teaching 2nd grade for so many years to teaching 1st grade. (I love it) I dug up an old hobby- crafting and sewing (I love it too) This was all due to my friend Kathleen. Thanks. I also took a big step and went to the M.I.N.D. institute to learn more about my fragile x. They are going to help me and I am so glad I went.
In this coming year there are some things that I would like to do. I would really like to learn how to use the new blogger editor. I am still using the old one. Anybody???? I would also like to incorporate more exercising into my life. Any suggestions???
May God be with all of you in this new year. Here is to 2012!!!
I still use the old Blogger editor, too!
I am glad you have had a good year!
There are many things I will get accomplished in 2012. I have the same New Year's resolution I have had for the last 2 years and it continues on... No new craft supplies unless they are needed to finish a project started with supplies on hand. I figure by the end of this year I will have most supplies used up, especially since I have started selling fabric from my stash! LOL
Happy New Year!
I still use the old blogger stuff.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Karen! I just hit the button to switch to the new blogger and didn't have any problems. It's pretty easy, I think. Just try it because you can always switch back if you're not happy. And as far as exercising, I used to be so good at keeping up that habit. However, in the last year or so I've not been so good. I am going to begin again because I know that I feel so much better and have more energy when I exercise. Start by walking Karen.
blessings and love,
You have had some good things in 2011...now to 2012
I changed to new blogger when it suggested I could...but I am not sure what changed if I did change??
May 2012 bring you much happiness and many blessings ... :)
I predict this will be a very insightful year for you.
As far as the new blogger editor...I'm not sure what the difference is or which one I am using.
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