Friday, April 10, 2015

A To Z Blogging Challenge Integrity

Integrity means honesty; sincerity; uprightness. I remember a time when I had to show integrity towards by believe on the sanctity of life. My son was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome because I am a carrier of it. (I didn't know this at the time.) I was then faced with the decision of weather to have more children or not. The medical profession was telling me to go ahead and get pregnant. Don't worry they said. We can test really early. Sometimes you have to give up your believes to reach your dreams. No I don't. I stayed true to my believe and choose not to have any more children. It was a very hard one to make but I know I did the right thing. I kept my integrity.


cleemckenzie said...

That had to have been a hard call, but I think I would have chosen the same route.

Anonymous said...

A lovely choice of theme for the challenge.
visiting here from A to Z

Kern Windwraith said...

I don't envy you being faced with that choice. In the end, we have to be able to live with our decisions--and what do we become if we sacrifice our integrity? Thank you for sharing this personal sstory.

Unknown said...

AMEN for integrity. I don't see enough of it. Have a great day :)

vickit43 said...

Integrity is a great word. Now days it seems to be less and less heard of. I know it had to be a hard decision not to have more children. I decided the same thing but I did not know of Fragile X until I was already 3 months pregnant with my second child. I then decided not to have any more even though i really wanted 3 children. Thanks for sharing.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

How many kids do you have? I think that choosing not to have anymore kids is one of the most heartbreaking things ever--because they bring SO much joy (lol--your "J" A to Z!!!). So brave of you...


Elizabeth Mueller
AtoZ 2015
My Little Pony

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

love this definition of integrity. Another good statement on this is: If you have integrity, nothing else matters; if you don't have it, nothing else matters.
Integrity is crucial!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I think you are a wise and unselfish woman for making such a sacrificial choice. God bless you!