Monday, April 13, 2015

A To Z Blogging Challenge Kindness

I love all of these quotes.  I do not think that there can be too much kindness out there.  It is always much nicer when we are kind to each other.


Doreen McGettigan said...

I love all of those quotes too.
I didn't know you were doing the challenge either, what a crazy month!
I look forward to following the rest of your posts.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love kindness also.....great quotes

cleemckenzie said...

Doesn't it seem simple? Be kind. Receive kindness. Wish it could always work that way. Enjoyed your quotes and the pictures.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

"If you can't help them, don't hurt them." I laughed at that one but it is SO true. Thanks for the inspiration! ;)

Elizabeth Mueller
AtoZ 2015
My Little Pony

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

You have such a nice theme going here for the a-z. Good attributes we all need to be more aware of.

vickit43 said...

I agree with you if there was more kindness in the world it would be a better place. I love you quotes and this A to Z Challenge you are doing!

holli said...

Awesome quotes! Kindness is so important. You are very kind and leave me the kindest comments. So happy to have met you and have a new blogger friend.