Monday, April 27, 2015

A To Z Blogging Challenge Willing

 Willing is defined as the power of the mind to decide and do.  I like this.  We do all have the power to do what is needed.  Sometimes, though, it is easier to be willing to do something than others.  I find myself willing to do certain things but it is hard to be willing to exercise.


cleemckenzie said...

And isn't change hard? So much easier to stay in your cozy rut!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Oh, this is inspiring. To have a willing heart and mind is to be humble!

Elizabeth Mueller
AtoZ 2015
My Little Pony

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Karen so happy I came by here today and read this. Was it written just for me? I do need to remember these words and learn from them.
Thank you for such a sweet comment about my Christi's wedding. I love when you come by it makes my day.
Christi is now married to a good Christian man and what more could I ever ask for in life.
It was such a nice wedding she worked hard to pull it together and her work paid off.
Hope you are well and thanks for sharing these inspiring words.

vickit43 said...

Willing is a big word . The willing to change is hard but I am trying one day at a time.

holli said...

The last quote is my favorite and I even have it pinned on my pinterest board. Its so true- you have to be willing in order to find better things in store.
I love this post!