I am at a little bit of a stand still and I need your help. I am really not sure what to blog about right now. (I just lead such an exciting life) So, I am asking for your help and/or suggestions. What would you like to read? Ask me any question. Give me a suggestion about what topic to discus. No topic is off limits. Request it and I may just blog about it. Thanks for your help. I really do appreciate it very much. Happy Blogging.
Karen, I was thinking about your request for a topic to write about and I was having trouble coming up with facts about you that I have learned in the short time we've been blog-friends. When I started investigating, I see that this particular blog started out as a blog journal (thus, the title, huh?). I went into your other blogs and I think you might want to open this blog up with some more information about yourself and our little family since it's become more public. I know Ive had questions about your son and how that has affected you and Mr.
Just a little thought I had.
I'll keep 'ponderin' the question.
I also love to hear personal stories and reflections...and also, just little tidbits from what is happening every day in your life.
I'm a regular, so whatever you've been doing up till now seems to have suited me just fine!
Well, more stories about Holland would be great. I admire your country a lot :D
By the way, I'm an Indonesian mom..
Love your blog
Risma Female Stuffs
Karen, what about: What is Faith, or what is faith for you?
I believe that faith is one of the ingredients which give us a happy life.
Hey Karen...
I'd LOVE for you to educate more people on fragile X, Daniel... your life! You have a wonderful story, and you are such a beautiful person! Share yourself with the world!
Hey Sister!
I've enjoyed everything that you've written. I'm a fan! I have a hard time coming up with stuff too to write about too. I tend to overthink things though. I would love to get to know you even better. What's on your heart today? Just let that flow....
Have a great day! Candace~♥
I guess I should have "previewed" that 1st before posting....in a hurry!!...but you get the idea....ha!
I am a big fan of opinions...heaven knows I have my fair share! I like to write about what I "think" about stuff...sometimes it can turn an ordinary topic into some intersting conversations...so even if life isn't on the uppity up with excitment, your mind sure is! Good luck, can't wait to see what you come up with!!
I love to hear about others beliefs, and about local traditions...or about challenges you've faced and how you overcame them...although I think you've done some wonderful writing on that already...
share your heart...we know it's beautiful. ♥
I totally understand what you are saying. I think that was part of my hiatus. That and the blogging redesign. I have no clue what to suggest to you though, I'll read anything you post!
Hi Karen, I'm glad you came by for a visit. Thanks for your prayers for my grandmother. Your words were comforting and very much appreciated. God Bless You!
Yoli :)
Hi Karen, I'm glad you came by for a visit. Thanks for your prayers for my grandmother. Your words were comforting and very much appreciated. God Bless You!
Yoli :)
I took some time today to go back and read every post in your blog. I'm so sorry that I had not done so before. Some of them truly broke my heart. I'm so sorry for all the hurt and sadness you've been through, especially in the last few years.
Your first few posts were especially hard for me to read. I truly hope you are feeling better now than you were then. If not, I pray you will seek help for those sad, 'mixed up' feelings you described you were experiencing.
For your future blog posts, I hope that you will just continue to share what is on your heart each day, just as you have in the past - i.e. your love for your son, your struggles as a new mom with a disabled child and your love for and reliance on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Oh, and I love the name of your blog. I wouldn't change it.
You and your family are in my prayers.
Teresa <><
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