Friday, June 20, 2014

I Am Accomplishing

Being a school teacher I have time each year where I don't work. It is really nice because after being "on stage" for 9 months wears you out.  Not that I am complaining but it does take a lot of energy to teach 1st graders something.

Anyway, I have about 2 and half months where I really don't have to do anything,  However, I do choose to accomplish something.  I can't just sit.  So, so far I have visited my mother, helped at work with some things for the new year and have started cleaning my house.  I have cleaned Daniel's room, laundry room, and guest bath.  Today I am working on the master bathroom. (notice I am not there right now)  Tom has helped me too.  Yay.

Later on in my vacation, I am planning on doing some lesson planning so the start of school will be a little easier to begin.  It is better to have things ready that to just go in cold turkey.

That is what I am accomplishing.  What are you accomplishing this summer?


Grandma Honey said...

I like reading about cleaning. It's inspiring. :)

Unknown said...

Cleaning! First I worked with my husband cleaning up the property that had been demolished by trucks, tractors and armies of men dragging things. That took almost 2 months of debilitating labour!!!! I fell into bed each night exhausted. I'm not getting any younger you know! Then it was time to clean the cottages as we opened them one by one. It was full assault on the mouse population that had moved in over the winter. Finally, we moved back into our main house that had been renovated during the past 8 months. More cleaning. I'm ready for vacation now. Beaching, swimming, big plan!

Enjoy your summer and I will too!

Unknown said...

Cleaning! First I worked with my husband cleaning up the property that had been demolished by trucks, tractors and armies of men dragging things. That took almost 2 months of debilitating labour!!!! I fell into bed each night exhausted. I'm not getting any younger you know! Then it was time to clean the cottages as we opened them one by one. It was full assault on the mouse population that had moved in over the winter. Finally, we moved back into our main house that had been renovated during the past 8 months. More cleaning. I'm ready for vacation now. Beaching, swimming, big plan!

Enjoy your summer and I will too!

Mimi Sue said...

I worked in the school nurses office before I retired so I know exactly what summer vacation can do for you. A much needed reprieve to charge your batteries for the next school year! We have kids and grandkids here for a few weeks so I'll be cooking, cleaning up, babysitting, repeat. Have a great summer and rest up. Mimi