Friday, November 18, 2011

I Started Walking The Path

I am literally jumping for joy inside as I have now started on the path. I thought it was going to stark at first, but it has been so enlightening and liberating to my soul. I think a lot of pieces are being put together.
As I walked on the path, I began to see the light and feel joy and comfort. I am going to be ok.

This woman is being my guide. Dr. Randi Hagerman. She is a god sent to me. She has been working with Fragile X Syndrome for years. She is so knowledgeable about it. It was so nice to be understood and validated in my thoughts and feelings. I have a new mantra now. It is not me, it is Fragile X.

They took so blood for some testing and I got a prescription for some medication and I get to go back in about 2 months. I am really looking forward to my next trip.

I am so grateful to all of you out there for your love, prayers and support. I think it really helped. Thanks so much.


Candace said...

I'm so happy for you, Karen! Have a wonderful weekend!

Grandma Honey said...

That song alone is enough to cheer anyone up :))
Seriously though, I'm happy for you. Please keep us posted okay?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This is great news. Praise God.

Susan Anderson said...

Reading this really makes me happy. Keep us posted, okay?


Becky Jane said...

I am so excited for you...My mom always felt better when she could put a name with what ever was wrong! You are awesome. Your Dr. looks like she'll get the job done! HUGS

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yay! Happy to read such good news...We used to feel this way when MS was not is a relief to have a name...Fragile X for you

Marc and Rachael said...

I am so happy that you went. It is amazing isn't it!!

Yenta Mary said...

A huge leap of faith, and one that is rewarding you! Always wishing you the best ... :)