Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A To Z Blogging Challenge Laughter

Sometimes we just need to laugh.  Laughing can lighten the load and make things better.  So go ahead and laugh sometime.  LOL


vickit43 said...

I love to Laugh!! I try to laugh instead of crying! Thanks so much for sharing!

cleemckenzie said...

The best therapy in the world!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

So true! I love hearing my kids laugh. Tickle time! xD

Elizabeth Mueller
AtoZ 2015
My Little Pony

CuteAsAButton said...

THAT explains my hips! I must be suppressing too much laughter.

Thanks for a fun visit on the A-Z!


holli said...

Oh YES!! Laughing is the best. My favorite actually. I try to have a reason to laugh every day.