*It's okay that the only reality show I watch is Design Star every summer.
*It's okay that I watch Bill O'Rieley.
* It's okay that I watch 19 Kids and admire them for the wonderful things they are doing and wish to be somewhat like Michelle some day.
* It's okay that I have the entire series of the Brady Bunch on DVD and secretly wish I was more like Marcia. (truth be told- I'm more like Jan)
* It's okay that sometimes I enjoy watching Full House. (I have that on DVD too-the whole series)
There, I said it. I think this is enough confessing for one day. What are your TV okays?

My reality shows...American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars.
Pretty mindless, but for me, pleasurable.
I love this idea too, and keep thinking I should do it! I watched the first season of Lost, and then stopped. Believe me when I say you didn't miss much!
Is it okay that I secretly have blog crushes on some bloggers that just seem to have it going on?
Hi Karen-
My name is Janera Jepson and I host the new Wednesday meme Wednesday Wickedness (http://jjatww.blogspot.com). Don't let the name throw you. We are a family oriented meme that's similar to Linda's Random Dozen. We base our questions each week on quotes from someone famous. This week is Frank Sinatra. Since Linda is taking time off I thought I'd invite you to play during the hiatus. We always post on Tuesdays (we're up now!) so players can play on either day. We hope that you will join us! :)
I've done the Tuesday thing a couple of times. I loved reading your answers....it's fun to see what everyone is "okay" with.
My TV is basically the Duggar family once a week. That's about it. Oh, and I do love few BYU TV specials.
Reality shows...American Idol, So you Think you Can Dance, America's Got Talent...I'm a sucker for a success story!
I was a LOST watcher. I do enjoy several TV shows but I watch cable movies all the time. Hey, my daughter saw Bob Saget going into the mens room at the casino last weekend.
Nice list! I used to watch the Brady Bunch all the time as a kid. I had the biggest crush on Greg. lol! We dont watch much TV but when I sit down to it, it's "So You Think You Can Dance". I. Love. That. Show!
Thanks for stopping by my blog again. Great to read you!
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