Anyway, I have been inspired lately by Debbie over at For Your Tears. Please see the post below this one. I don't know how to do that link up thing yet. I would really like to do something like she does, but what? I have a few ideas but not many.
I would like to do something for a woman who has just found out that she has a special needs child, someone who has to put their child in a group home or for a woman who can't have any more children-not by choice. Sort of had the reproductive rights ripped right out from under them. I have had experience in all of these areas.
I would really like to be there for someone. I wish I would have had someone there for me like this. Someone who had already been through it.
So, I welcome any all suggestions on what I might call it and what I can do for these women. Thanks for all your help with this desire of mine.

Karen, Thanks for following and leaving a comment on this SITS shareday. It's not your age! I'm 52 and have been watching Idol for years! (Maybe one just needs to start younger?) Regardless, I saw on your profile that you're a Libra. Me too, and I encourage you to read my last week's (May 26)post, which has an astrological theme. You also might appreciate this much longer posting from late Sept 09. (It's re the decision-making challenges we Libras are famous for.) Here's the link: http://katiegateswrites.blogspot.com/2009/09/explaining-my-relationship-to-decision.html
I love the golden rule, too. You have a great attitude after all you've been through!
Found you on Lady Bloggers!
I'm from the Lady Bloggers Tea Social...how are you? I'm your newest follower! If you get a chance, stop on by my blog too for a visit! Have a great weekend!
I think it's wonderful that you want to do something for others...and you've chosen a niche that could really benefit from whatever you can give them.
Hey Karen,
I was a nanny for a Fragile X child almost 20 years ago. They didn't know what he (Alex) had at the time, although they were thinking some kind of autism. He was such a precious child. I took care of him for a year when he was 4 year old. He will always have a special place in my heart.
I gave the Fragile X website you had on your other blog to Alex's mom.
I think it's wonderful that you want to do something like the hankie...let me tell you personally, I can't have any more children, and it's not by choice. I have myasthenia gravis, and I have a miracle child, Jacob, who will be 4 in August. It took me 5 years to get back (almost) to the place I was before I had him. Now I'm almost 40, and it just wasn't possible to have him one moment before I did. So yah, having that choice made for you is not a lot of fun.
I just have to remember that God is in control, and He knows best.
God bless you and your family.
Bless your heart what a wonderful thing it is you want to do. I am sorry you have been there and were alone but I hope you can minister to others so that they won't have to be.
Stopped by from SITS, hope you have a great day.
I think that, in today's world, a kind gesture is so unexpected and wonderful that ANY thing you do for these women will be appreciated
Just after I gave birth to my twins, an acquaintance organized a bunch of people (who I didn't know at all) to bring our family dinners for 2 weeks!! It was such a blessing, I can't even tell you, because on top of the sleep deprivation/newborn issues that everyone goes through, I was recovering from an emergency C-section AND I had gotten really super sick while in the hospital so I was just physically wiped out and couldn't stand in the kitchen even if I wanted to.
That a HUGE gesture of kindness, but sometimes little things like a note of encouragement or a bouquet of flowers "just because" can be the encouragement that a person needs.
You seem like such a warm, kind person and I'm so impressed at your thoughtfulness towards others!
Something wonderful and fulfilling will come along for you to do because you are open to it.
Oh, I totally love this post. A deep desire to serve is so powerful. It's a gift, many people don't have that desire burning in them. Go for it, you're awesome!
I would search your local non-profit organizations for volunteer opportunities. There are plenty of organizations that deal with the scenarios you described.
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