Monday, September 10, 2012

I Am A Little Worried.....

....because I felt nothing as I walked around Ground Zero.  Don't hate me or think I am un-American.  I love this country and I am proud to be here. I feel this is the choice land.  I love it.  I just feel bad about this whole 9-11 thing.  When it first happened, it really didn't shake me up like I thought it should.  I felt very calm about it.  I felt that somehow it was suppose to happen(some reason beyond what we can comprehend) and that God was in charge and that everything would be okay.  I also didn't stay glued to the TV either.

I was hoping that these feelings would change on our trip this summer to New Jersey and New York.  I requested that we go see Ground Zero.  So we went.  As we walked around I didn't have any feelings one way or another.  It was a pretty place and it was peaceful there.  It wasn't like it was in the middle of a big city.  After talking to Tom he felt totally different.  He felt like he was walking on sacred ground.  I wish I could have felt that.

I hope I am not alone in my feelings.  I know so many people were greatly affected by this.  How can I come to have more feelings about this?  I am worried about this.  I hope no one feels any ills towards me.  Any suggestions???.

.Here's to the people who lost their lives on that day .  Even though it was an awful event, I liked the way it brought our country together.


Christie Cottage said...

I just posted on another blog about my feelings that day...

My husband died that year 01/11/01. 4 young/family/friends died in a car crash 08/11 and sitting there looking at the TV that morning, I felt somehow removed. I looked on in disbelief but somehow it did not get into my brain...

Years later watching the video of that day and hearing the last phone call or message from those who died, made me cry as I knew how it hurt those left behind.

I would like to visit the Memorial.

The Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial made me overwhelmed with the feeling of loss. Standing there, looking at all the empty chairs and knowing how the loss of a loved one hurts, I cried. Tears flowed uncontrollably and as I looked around, I saw the same reaction on others there.

GOD has us all in His hands.


Grandma Honey said...

I think everyone deals with these things differently. Perhaps it is just too painful for your sweet heart to go there so it's shut off and protected. (not shut off completely of course, but just concerning the dreadful 9-11)

Susan Anderson said...

I tend to agree with Jill. It may be, subconsciously, that it was all just too painful for you to even go there. That is not such an unusual way to cope, and we all do it differently, after all.


Becky Jane said...

I wouldn't worry that you aren't connecting with this. You have such tender feelings, and your heart connects to so many things, this is just something that hasn't affected you yet...I also was grateful for the knowledge that God is in charge and not man.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It looks like a beautiful memorial. I hope to visit someday. It was so horrific and in some ways it doesn't feel real.
I am so sorry for those who passed away and the families affected with loss. I think we needed the wake up call. I also believe we need to start taking care of our own and putting money in the hands of those who don't respect us at all.